Lebarkan Sayap Bisnis Anda

Ekonomi Untuk Kita Tips bagi anda yang ingin sukses dalam berbisnis..

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Benarkah Hidup Semakin Sulit?

Thursday, January 31, 2008
Sebenarnya kenyataannya tidak persis demikian. Tapi perasaan dalam benak kita mengalir begitu saja, mengungkapkan keluh kesah dalam menghadapi berbagai permasalahan hidup, dalam kaitan ekonomi terutama adalah persoalan biaya hidup. Tak peduli di kota besar manapun, macam Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya dsb. termasuk di daerah yang mendekati terpencil. Namun hidup harus terus bergulir, optimis adalah pangkal dari semangat untuk melewati waktu kita yang tidak terlalu lama didunia ini. Mari kita manfaatkan apa yang telah kita miliki dan apa yang akan kita dapatkan.


Semoga beberapa tips dibawah ini dapat membantu anda mengoptimasi pendapatan anda untuk memenuhi kompleksnya kebutuhan hidup sekarang!!

1. Buatlah Skala Prioritas
Ya, hal ini penting. Selalu pikirkanlah hal apa, atau kebutuhan apa saja yang akan anda penuhi dari tingkat kepentingan paling mendesak/tinggi hingga paling tidak penting rendah. Seberapa pentingnya hal ini? Dengan melakukan pemikiran ini pada awal bulan, tentunya anda akan lebih bijak dalam membelanjakan gaji/uang pendapatan yang anda miliki. Karena bila anda tidak pernah mengklasifikasi hal ini, pembelanjaan uang anda menjadi carut marut. Anda tidak menyadari bahwa anda telah membelanjakan uang untuk sesuatu yang tak penting. Akibatnya.... kantong kering sudah datang di pertengahan bulan bagi anda yang gajian :p

2. Efektivitas dan Efisiensi

Ini dia. Efektifkan pendapatan anda yang minim agar semua kebutuhan bisa terpenuhi. Bentuk efektivias sendiri adalah berupa penggunaan uang anda pada tujuan yang halal & benar. Misalnya, anda berencana menggunakan separuh gaji anda untuk biaya pendidikan anak. Nah, lakukan hal tersebut sesuai rencana, jangan mengkorupsi mengalihkan dana anda untuk hal lain! Sedangkan efisiensi bisa diwujudkan dengan meminimalkan pengeluaran. Misalnya, tahun 2008 anda ingin beli mobil Ferrari Fortuner, sebaiknya anda mengalihkan pemikiran tersebut dengan membeli mobil dengan harga yang lebih miring. Yang penting kan sama-sama mobil, bisa untuk jalan-jalan, dan hujan tidak kehujanan? (^_^)V

3. Buat Rincian Pengeluaran
Hal ini juga penting. Dengan membuat semacam daftar pembelanjaan yang telah anda keluarkan selama 1 bulan, anda dapat dengan mudah memperkirakan pengeluaran bulan berikutnya dan tentu anda dapat memanage dengan lebih baik keuangan anda. Dengan melihat daftar yang telah anda buat, anda bisa menghilangkan atau mengurangi pembelanjaan yang kurang bermanfaat.

4. Orientasi Masa Depan
Ini dia. Selalu berorientasilah ke masa depan. Karena hidup ini akan terus berlanjut dan anda perlu memikirkan keuangan anda di masa mendatang. Buatlah suatu rencana investasi dari gaji pendapatan yang anda peroleh sekarang untuk meningkatkan income dan kesejahteraan anda di masa datang. Mulailah berpikir untuk membuka bisnis kecil untuk menunjang pendapatan anda.

5. Lihat Ke Bawah!

Semuanya kembali kepada Yang Kuasa. Ya, dengan berbagai persoalan hidup tentunya kita tetap harus bersyukur karena Allah masih memberi kita nikmat berupa pendapatan, walau sekecil apapun. LIhatlah saudara kita lain, para fakir miskin yang selalu digusur tidak memiliki rumah dan tak berpenghasilan sedikitpun. Bagaimana mau optimizing pendapatan, pendapatan saja tak punya?!! ;(

Keakraban dalam Kantor Sebanding dengan Produktivitas Kerja

Mungkin beberapa dari para businessman terutama pemula belum begitu menyadari hal tersebut. Ya, pentingya unsur good relationship dalam kantor demi peningkatan kerja sama yang berujung pada teamwork yang ideal. Beberapa psikiater menyimpulkan bahwa akrabnya pergaulan di kantor membuat sebagian besar karyawan merasa nyaman dan betah untuk bekerja. Dan tentunya akan berefek positif terhadap produktivitas kerja. Rasa kekeluargaan yang baik antar karyawan akan menjadi akar tumbuhnya teamwork yang saling peduli dan melengkapi satu sama lain. Bahkan perasaan senasib sepenanggungan akan muncul dengan sendirinya.Begitu juga antara employees dan employeer, keakraban yang dikombinasikan dengan kewibawaan akan memunculkan perasaan segan, dan tentunya muncul tanggung jawa besar disertai keikhlasan walau gaji juga penting dalam mengerjakan tugas pemberian bos.Untuk itu, tips di bawah ini perlu anda terapkan dalam membangun hubungan yang baik di kantor.

1. Ucapkan Salam

2. Beri Penghargaan yang Baik

3. Jauhkan Predikat Bos pada Diri Anda

4. Terima Kasih

5. Buat acara makan Bersama Khusus

What Money Can Do?

Sunday, January 27, 2008
Here you can learn something to educate the children about money!
Money is anything use as a medium of exchange, what money can do, for buying, saving, and investing. People will have many difficulties to measure the value of the good when they will to exchange one good or services to others. When people need goods or services, they have to notice how much money they have to provide for the number of the goods or services they need.

Medium Exchange

Grade 4

1. Money is anything widely accepted as final payment for goods and services
2. Money makes trading easier by replacing barter with transactions involving currency, coins, or checks
3. People consume goods and services, not money; money is useful primarily because it can be used to buy goods and services.

1. Define the money
2. Explain the function of the money
3. Explain the various kind of money

Student need some goods and services everyday, they need something that could be accepted by others in exchanged with the goods and services they want, this is what we call money. Money also can measure the value of goods.

60 minutes

• various snack or good ( like doll ) that preferred to student
• something that could be used as money (candy or others)
• Activity 1

1. Divide the student into 2 groups A and B having equal number of members
2. Distribute various interesting goods like chocolate, balls, toys for all members in group A and for group B distribute various kind of candies in various numbers and colors.
3. For every group A and B explain to each student that they may exchange the goods they have to others having the same value like for instance the value of 1 chocolate is equivalent to 2 balls.
4. Make a discussion to the student of what will going to happen if they exchange there goods to a bigger value of goods like horses, cars, properties etc. then ask what are the difficulties they encounter while doing it. With these we can gather different kinds of opinions/answer, others may say it is difficult while some will say it can be done but with a condition they have to accomplish several requirements
5. Announced to the student that they can do the exchange of goods again but by this time the medium of exchange they use is candies with different colors and having different values like for example the value of 1 yellow candies is equivalent to 2 green candies and 1 green candies is equivalent to 3 red candies and 1 red candies is equivalent to 4 blue candies and so on.
6. Now announced to the student again that they have to exchange candies having different values with other goods like toys, chocolate, fruit etc. as an example they can exchange 6 red candies to 1 toy and 2 yellow candies to 1 chocolate and so on.
7. By this time ask the student how they fell to do such a thing is it easy for them or difficult and make a comparative with the first batch by which they have to exchange goods with goods, ask how if the candies will be change with other material can it be use as a medium of exchange or not.

8. Briefly explain that :
a. barter or natural exchange rises many difficulties, exchange using another material is more easier
b. anything used as a medium of exchange is called money
c. money also can be use as a measurement to the value of goods


Distribute one copy of Activity to each student and allow time for students to complete the Activity - 1

Answer the following Question True if you agree with the statement, and False if you disagree with the statement.

1. Money is anything used as a medium of exchange (True/False)
2. Exchange of goods with goods is more easier than using money (True/False)
3. Money can be use to measure the value of goods (True/False)

1.. True
2. False
3. True

Budget of Small Business

There are some important things to know if you want to begin small business.

1. Total Capital Sufficiency
2. Capital Source
3. Capital Source Alternative
4. Financial Alocation
5. Expenses capital Efficiency

The above are important to considered because each possessess risk which must be anticipated so that it can be rightly managed. or it can be furthered explain as follows:
1. Total Capital Sufficiency
Total Capital Sufficiency is total money which is used for financing the bussines. There are 2 type of it, Fixed Budget and Non-Fixed budget. Fixed Budget is expenditure which used once. Usually the rate is decreasing caused depressiations rate, example: producing machine, sell equipment, etc. While non-fixed budget is expenditure which used not once.
Its usually count as variabel expenses and its depend per unit products, such as: packing budget, selling budget etc.
In such away all of the budget should be calculated early so we know exactly how much budget needed. But this budget unecessary when we start to begin a bussines, because this budget often can not be modified.
To optimizing and efficiency, so the budget needed should complifying with the available money. The higher budget rarely bring to wasteful habit, while the least budget rarely make the bussines not running well. So total capital efficiency must reached.For the further tips, wait the next posting....
2. Capital Source
Capital source is money sources for bussines capital. It have 3 types:
a. Self Budget
Self Budget can coming from the personal money, such as account in a bank or money which is planned to build a bussines.
b. Group Budget
It can coming from collected budget from the members of the group who want to build a business.
c. Loan
It can interpersonal loan, bank loan and the other finances institutions

3. Alternative Capital Cost Source
Although we have decided the source of the budget when we started a business, for preparation we need collected another cost source. In recent, we get this capital source with higher costs. But its important to prepared, because it can solves a problem that appears in the future. Especially to improve the business!
4. Budget Alocation
We should specify the using of capital cost which we have. Is it all used for business or we used some from it for stock. So, on the alocation of business, an entrepreneurs should have a capacities to identify all of the business activities and how much cost to do that! Dicipline work is a hint of this part!

5. Capital Cost Efficiency
To know the capital cost efficiency, the entrepreneurs should to know many costs which is used to increases capital cost. The capital costs are
a. Interest Cost
b. Administration COst
c. The cost used to get some money
In the other words, capital cost is all of the sacrificed which is used to get a capital budget. To eficience the capital cost, the lowest cost above is better to used.